Wednesday, April 29, 2009


With, Mrs. E. D. Baker! We'd like to thank her, first of all, and now, here's what you've been waiting for!!!!:

Kiera: Do you think that young authors should worry about getting published before they have really gotten to know how to write well?

E.D. Baker: Not really. Hone your craft first. For one thing, gettingpublished isn't easy. Young authors should work on improving theirwriting until they are confident that it is good. I am not sayingthat young authors shouldn't try to get published, just that theyshould focus their efforts on improving their writing rather than onfinding an agent or a publisher before they are ready. You are morelikely to get published when you are a better writer. Sending a storyoff to a publisher before it is ready may well earn you a rejectionletter, which can be disheartening to any author. I received so manyrejection letters when I started out that I used to joke that I couldwallpaper a powder room with them. Every one of the rejection lettersmade me wonder why I was trying to be an author.

Kiera: On your way to getting published, what were the people like?

E.D. Baker: Many people were very nice and very encouraging. The peopleputting on writing conferences were helpful, as were the people in thewriting groups to which I belonged. However, there were also peoplewho were more discouraging than helpful. My mother thought I wouldnever get published and my ex-husband made fun of my stories.(Writing tip - when people are rude or unkind to you, remember - youare an author. Whatever they have done could be used in a story andtheir characteristics could be used when you create a character.)

Kiera: What do you think was the greatest chooses you made while you were getting to know the publishing world?

E.D. Baker: Going to writing conferences. Even though I really didn't learn alot about writing from each one, I usually learned a little something. I also met my editor at a writing conference. Once you meet aneditor, you can send your story to him/her and mention where you met.This takes your story out of the slush pile and makes them more interested in reading something from an obviously serious writer.

Kiera: If you could do this all again, what is one thing you think you would do different?

E.D. Baker: I wouldn't rewrite the same story over and over and keep trying tosend it off. Instead, I would write one story, send it off and beginanother right away. Don't pin all your publishing hopes on one story.

Kiera: What do you think is the most awesome thing you have ever seen?

E.D. Baker: The birth of my children.

Kiera: What is your favorite type of pie?

E.D. Baker: My daughter makes a fantastic berry tart, which she makes in a piepan, so I guess it's really a pie. She uses fresh blackberries and raspberries that we pick ourselves.


So that's it! Tell me what you think, and I'll invite more author to "join us"!


Remember-- kind words only. Jesus Loves You!